Rector’s greeting


Dear colleagues and friends!

I am pleased to welcome you on behalf of SamSACEI colleague — a large technical Institute in the region with rich traditions. Construction today is one of the state priorities of development and the main component of the well-being of the people. Competently and effectively achieving the work of the new conditions can only be based on qualified personnel. The motto of our Institute is "Movement. Aspiration. Knowledge». We train specialists in perspective areas of construction science and practice, those whose knowledge and skills are needed not only today, but will be in great demand in the future, when you develop priority technological areas of the country's economy. We have successfully implemented a multi-level education system based on modern standards, and the areas of bachelor's and master's training are annually replenished with new popular educational programs. Currently, the staff of the Institute is considered new frontiers of their professional and pedagogical activity, which determine the dynamic development and creative search, the formation of students' education and culture, including a rich spiritual world, a high level of competence.
A wide profile of training areas, acquired skills allow graduates to constantly improve their work and, if necessary, to master related specialties.
We annually hold international scientific conferences and symposia. The Institute has links with Universities, Research organizations and scientists in our country and abroad. Students have the opportunity to undergo training in our partner universities.
Having got acquainted with our Institute, traditions, unique spirit of professional partnership, with directions, profiles and specializations, each of You will surely find and choose for yourself the way, the interest, new friends. And whatever your choice, in any case, you will become a full participant in the new great achievements of creation in the vastness of native Uzbekistan, every corner of which for more than half a century graduates of SamSACEI have been working and making the glory of our country.
I wish you to take the first professional step with us and in the near future to become capable specialists, professionals and active members of society.
Good luck and see you in SamCACEI!

perform the function temporarily Rector
Samarkand State Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute named after Mirzo Ulughbek