Academic council
Scientific Council Secretary: Maxmatkulov Turdimurod
Phone / Fax: (8 366) 237-19-53
Duties of the Scientific Council Secretary:
• Informing and supervising the preparation of draft resolutions to the responsible persons of the relevant institutions on the work plan of the Academic Council meeting, which will be conducted on a specified date;
• Ensure the participation of SamDAS Academic Council members in the Academic Council and the timing of the meeting;
• timely receipt and registration of the draft decisions of the Academic Council;
• disseminating the draft decisions of the Academic Council to all members of the Board after their preparation;
• Conduct regular monitoring of the decisions of the Academic Council;
• Report to the Chairman of the Academic Council in writing or verbally, if the draft decision of the Academic Council is not executed by the responsible;
• Registration of decisions of the Academic Council with the protocol. To present the protocols to the Chairman of the Academic Council within the deadline;
• Approval of copies of all documents passed by the Scientific Council of the Institute from the minutes of the meeting;
• Examine the documents of applicants seeking scientific rank in accordance with the decision of the Academic Board and submit them for approval to the scientific degree in the prescribed manner and send the documents to the IOC;
• Approval of the extract from the minutes of the doctoral dissertation;
• Holding and holding vacancies for chairs, professors and associate professors on the chairs by secret voting;
• Proof of professor-teachers' scientific works on the basis of the pro-rector's signature;
• Submit the archive of the Scientific Council's records to the archive at the end of each academic year;
• Approval by the Rector of the Institute after review by the Board of Scientific Council;
• Making changes to the work plan based on Decrees and Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions and orders of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education;