Marketing department


Head of department: 

Check in: 01-00 p.m. to 03-00 p.m. (Tuesday-Friday)   

Telephon: (8 366) 237-12-77







About marketing department
The basic function of a department is studying needs on rendering of educational services to the enterprises, the organizations and citizens of Uzbekistan Republic, and also to develop attitudes between institute and consumers of the staff. Developing a clear strategy of the institute in the educational market and personnel training in the field of undergraduate and graduate course, the process of assigning them to a job to perform the requirements customers ( employers) to the personality of future specialists , providing leadership with this process , planning promotional activities and stimulating progress, placement and employment of graduates and timely preparations for the provision of educational services , business contracts and monitoring.

The primary goals of a department:
to promote in employment of graduates of institute and to carry out monitoring their activity after study;
to study current and perspective needs of the staff in economic sphere of the enterprises and the organizations in Uzbekistan, to form and update the “Order Portfolio” on its basis;
to develop and spend actions on development of attitudes in the professional training between institute and consumers of the staff;
to spend actions on maintenance of performance with students of treaty obligations trained on a contract basis.
One of the primary goals of the department is assistance in employment of graduates of institute and realization of monitoring of their activity after study. These questions are taken under the personal control of the rector of institute.
In current of each academic year to be spent extensive actions on employment of graduates prepared in institute, including:
constantly to be spent extensive explanatory work under the current legislation concerning employments of graduates, including on " to Regulations about the order of a target professional training on the basis of the grant ";
for studying quantity and territorial structure, and also for effective distribution of graduates the databank about graduates of current year is formed. The given information is dispatched all basic consumers of the staff, and also municipal government for taking into account of desires of graduates at distribution, interrogation-questioning among graduates is annually spent. On the basis of results of interrogation the list of the enterprises and the organizations preferred by graduates is formed and studied their needs on the staff;
the databank about the basic consumers of the staff prepared in institute is generated. Annually individually on each basic consumer of the staff the real need on graduates in directions of preparation and on regions of Republic is studied;
for more extensive scope at studying needs on the staff of the enterprises and the organizations on spheres of economy, and also on regions of Republic, the information on graduates in solid mass media at a republican level is annually advertised;
on the basis of applications and needs of the enterprises, the organizations for institute " the Portfolio of orders " is formed. Generated " the Portfolio of orders " is informed to graduates. These orders are generalized and informed to graduates through dean's offices and faculties;
the distributive commission is made of representatives of the basic consumers of the staff and distribution of graduates to be spent with participation of the basic consumers of the staff;
meetings, presentations and actions of graduates with representatives of the enterprises and the organizations about the order of acceptance for work, about conditions and payments and etc are spent;
constantly develop cooperation with consumers of the staff. Now with the enterprises and the organizations of various spheres of economy it is concluded more than 300 long-term contracts about cooperation in sphere of a professional training.