Information Resource Center

Director of the Information Resource Center: Yarmatova Dilbar Sa'dinovna
Reception hours: Everyday (14:00 - 16:00)
Phone: (97) 315-44-50
History and activities of the Information Resource Center
Library of Mirzo Ulugbek Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute was founded in 1966. The library is equipped with textbooks and manuals on general education and specialties, with the help of institutions in Tashkent, Kiev and Moscow. Pastravnichnaya Matryona Pavlovna, the first head of the library, made a great contribution. Under his leadership, the number of academic, scientific, methodological books and magazines in the library has intensively increased. Later, Nikinova Nina Aleksandrovna and Valentina Georgievna worked as library director.
The following staff members worked in the library.
Nosirova Halima Shodiyevna (1990-1997 years of work).
Abdullayeva Zebo Axrorovna (1997-2002 years worked as the director).
Nurmatov Eshmirza (2002-2005 Director).
Mamatkulova Dilorom Urakovna (worked as the director in 2005-2016).
Djumayev Bobur (working since 2016)
In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-381 of June 20, 2006 to improve the organization of the library network taking into account modern requirements, meeting the intellectual needs of the younger generation, preserving cultural and spiritual values, in the SamDAQI library, in order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №PP-381 "On the organization of information and library supply to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated June 20, 2006, Since January 1, the Information Resource Center (IRC) has been established. At present, the IRC affiliates operate in Jomboy and Bulungur districts. When SamDAQI Library was formed, it started its work with 22,000 books.

The information resource center (library) of the Institute provides information and bibliographic support of the educational process, forms funds in accordance with the profile of educational programs, meets the diverse needs of readers.
The library has 2 reading rooms with 265 seats and the following 5 departments;
- Department of scientific-methodical and information-reference;
- Department of restoration of library and information resources, cataloging and systematization;
- Department of service of library and information resources;
- Department of electronic information resources;
- Department of affairs with foreign library and information resources.
Readers of the library are more than 14 thousand people, among them 7022 students of all forms of education, undergraduates and doctoral students, 530 faculty staff, researchers and other employees of the Institute. The rest of the readers are employees of third-party organizations, nearby settlements, neighborhoods.
Today, the total book fund of the Institute of Information Resource Center is 462789 units.
- Textbooks 102689,
- teaching aids 127484,
- scientific literature 102236,
- Foreign Literature 9252,
- 67933 copies of art literature.
In order to enrich the information resource center with the textbooks, educational literature is being procured on the basis of contracts with publishing houses. In addition, the educational literature created by the faculty of the Institute is accepted as a gift to IRC Fund.
To create an electronic format of educational literature available at the Information Resource Center today, nearly 14,000 textbooks are being introduced into the ARMAT electronic cataloging program. More than 5,000 electronic textbooks and teaching aids available in the Information Technology section of IRC. Teaching and methodological complexes of SamDAS teachers, more than 355 texts of lectures were written on electronic CDs. In addition, duplicate publications are being scanned and posted on the Internet at
At the information resource center there are 3 copy machines, 1 scanner and 25 computers. Computers are connected to Internet and corporate network. For the use of students of the Institute there are 7 computers for 18 computers and employees.
ARM's 320 multimedia office is equipped with a videoprojector and is used by the faculty and students in the classroom.
The educational-methodical complexes created by professors and teachers of the institute regularly consist of 12 bachelor's theses, 6 master's theses, 4 course works, 6 abstracts, 2 articles, And 2 textbooks are being posted on ZiyoNet portal throughout the year.
The information resource center subscribes to the various types of cards and newspapers according to the annual plan.
In order to enrich the resource center of the Information Resource center during the year, the "Spirituality", "Gafur Gulom" Publishing House under the Spirituality and Enlightenment Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Sharq ziya zakovat" Sharq publishing house "," Adolat "," Tasviriy oyina "," Uzbekistan "publishing houses.