Building faculty
The Faculty of building is the first faculty founded in 1966.From 1966-1967 - Professor R.A. Ibadullin, from 1967-1969 - Associate Professor B.K. Karimov, in 1970 - Associate Professor A.S. From 1970-1980, Associate Professor T.A. Aslankulov, in 1980 - Associate Professor S.N. Muminov, from 1980-1984, associate professor I.I. Shirov, from 1985-1986, associate professor A.A.Rakhmonov, from 1986-1987, professor R.I. Kholmurodov, from 1988-1998. - Associate Professor M.M. Honkeldiev, from 1988-2013. - Associate Professor M.M. Yakubov, from 2013-2016. - Associate Professor B.I. Saydmuratov, in 2016, Associate Professor A.T. Kuldashev worked as a dean of the faculty. From 2016 to the present, Associate Professor A.A.Bayzakov has been working as a dean of the faculty.The faculty has 6 doctors of science, 16 candidates of science continue their education “Ustoz-Shogird”, demonstrating their scientific potential and giving students knowledge and experience.
The faculty has 2 academic buildings, 8 research laboratories and classrooms that are suitable for passing lessons on modern educational technology that meets modern requirements.The Faculty of Construction carries out the training of specialists (in areas and specialties) separated from production. In order to expand and strengthen interdependencies in the field of education, science and industry, the faculty constantly cooperates with large enterprises and other higher educational institutions.
All students of the faculty are members of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, and members of the faculty's young people regularly participate in various clubs, associations, social events and institutions, demonstrating their organizational skills and demonstrating their true identity.
Students of the faculty regularly take part in national kurashs, karate, boxing, taekwondo, football, table tennis, valebola, gambole, 2 world champions, 3 Asian champions, 16 Uzbekistan champions and many regional and local champions. Students always lead in various sports competitions, intellectual games “Zakovat”, competitions “Merry and resourceful” and the festival “Spring Spring”.The Faculty of Construction is a unique educational institution with a solid position in Uzbekistan, which trains highly qualified personnel in the spirit of rapid reforms.
Administration of the Faculty:
The Dean of the Faculty
Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 15-00 to 17-00
Phone number: (0366)-237-13-14

Dean’s deputy for youth work
Kamolov Axmadjon Abdumalikovich
Reception days: Everyday from 15-00 till 17-00
Phone number: (0366)-237-13-14
Dean’s deputy
Rasulov Bekzod Boymurodovich
Reception days: Everyday from 15-00 till 17-00
Phone number: (0366)-237-13-14

Dean’s deputy
Amanov Sirojiddin Saydullayevich
Reception days: Everyday from 15-00 till 17-00
Phone number: (0366)-237-13-14

Dean’s deputy
Omonov Maxmud Baxtiyorovich
Reception days: Everyday from 15-00 till 17-00
Phone number: (0366)-237-13-14
Faculty departments:
Buildings and constructions
Production of building materials, products and structures
Building construction
Roads, floors and basements
Building technologies and their organization
Building mechanics and materials resistance
Higher Mathematics
The faculty prepares bachelors in the following areas:
Construction (industrial and civil construction)
Production of building materials, products and structures
Highways and airfields
Professional Education (Construction)
Life safety
Prepares masters in the following specialties:
Architecture of buildings and structures (by type of construction)
Buildings and facilities (energy efficient building design)
Production of building materials, products and structures