Scientific research and scientific pedagogical specialists’ preparation department

Head of department: Khushvaktov Usman Ashirovich
Phone: (8 366) 237-18-47
About scientific research and scientific pedagogical specialists’ preparation department
At Samarkand state architecture and civil engineering institute there is a scientific department. And the aim of scientific research and scientific pedagogical specialists’ preparation department is:
To increase scale of the necessary (update) fundamental and practical researches in the republic priorities, to practice the scientific research works carrying at the chair and laboratories, to intensify public education and production integration to continue preparing higher qualified specialists, to create scientific works of the scientists on science and technology and to create ready product and intellectual property consumer’s monitoring.
Tasks: to form and plan budget and household (economy) construct, to organize participating in the scientific design choices, to make plan practicing scientific work, to make plan of scientific seminars and to control it, to make annual and future plans and report about scientific activity, to make statistical analysis on scientific results, to make reports about the chair’s works and to control their handing to higher organizations.
Main tasks:
- Organises training of scientific-research and scientific - pedagogical personnel of university;
- Makes plans on training of scientific- research and scientific- pedagogical personnel and provides their fulfillment;
- Co-ordinates activity on training of scientific- research and scientific - pedagogical personnel with faculties and departments;
- Organises scientific conferences at university;
- Spends certification of scientific researchers;
- Prepares and offers plans, reports and standard documents for senior scientific researchers and competitors.