High mathematics

Head of Department:Ph.D., associate professor Mamasoliev Qozoqboy
Reception days: Daily from 13:00 to 15:00 but wednesday and saturday
Phone: (93)722-79-51
Е-mail: mamasoliev k.@mail.ru
Brief history of the department
The department "Higher Mathematics" was organized from the date of the institute. Over the years, the department was headed by: Associate Professor Kabulov R.K. (1966-1970), associate professor Karimov B.К. (1970-1976), professorAkilov J. (1976-2011).
In 2011, the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Mathematics and Physics and Electrical Engineering merged, and was named Physics and Mathematics, in 2015 the department was called Higher Mathematics and Physics.
During this period, the department was headed by: Professor A.S. Savurbayev(July-October 2011), Associate Professor Umarov E. (November 2011 – April 2012), Associate Professor UsarovU. (April-December 2012). From December 2012 to the present, the department is headed by Associate Professor Mamasoliev K.
By the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute in 2018, the Department of Higher Mathematics was separated from the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics.
In the period of activity 10 teachers of the department defended their dissertations and received the title of associate professor, 4 - defended doctoral dissertations and received the title of professor. The staff of the department carried out several research projects on the state scientific and technical program, published ten monographs, eight study guides and numerous articles. More than ten scientific contractual topics for design institutes and drilling organizations of the Uzbekneftegaz NHC and Samarkandgeology State Enterprise have been completed.
Currently, the department "Higher Mathematics" in 17 staff units employs 19
teachers and 1 teaching and support staff. The faculty of the department is as
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor - 1 person;
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor - 5 people;
Senior teacher - 4 people;
Assistant teacher - 8 people.
Subjects held by the department
The institute, on the basis of state educational standards, conducts educational
work for undergraduate students in the following areas:
• Higher Mathematics
• Mathematics for economists
• Spherical trigonometry
Research directions of the department
The faculty of the department conducts research on the following topics:
• Actual problems of mathematical analysis and differential equations.
• Actual problems of fluid mechanics of gas, plasma and deformable solids
• Actual problems of higher education.
Relations of the department for scientific research and methodological work
The department has scientific and methodological links with all universities, technical universities and research institutes, there are research and methodological links. In particular:
• UzbekNational University.
• Samarkand State University
• Tashkent State Technical University
• Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction
• Urgench State University
• Institute of M and ISM AS of the Republic of Uzbekistan
• Institute of Mathematics and Technology of Communications
• Design institutes of the NHL “Uzbekneftegaz”.