Subjects of educational and scientific-methodical work, their rights and obligations

a) Students: 
3.1. The person who is enrolled by the order of the rector of the institute is a student of the Institute. Students are given a free student card and a score book for free. 
According to the applications of persons with general secondary, secondary special, professional education, higher (secondary and postgraduate) education in accordance with the legislation of the Institute, the students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the rating system of points scored by the State Commission for admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure and rules of admission. 
Admission to higher education institutions is carried out on an equal basis with all recipients (both grant and contractual), on the basis of single acceptance rules and on the basis of single choice, who have the highest scores on the state grants first of all, the right to be enforced. All other applicants are eligible to apply within the framework of contract-based contract quota ratings. Under the law, it is guaranteed to be admitted without a trial, on the basis of a particular privilege.
3.2. Students of the Institute have the following rights: 
- Acquiring knowledge relevant to science, technology and modern technology; 
- free use of books, periodicals, electronic educational facilities available at the information center of the higher educational institution; 
- Get free tips and tricks; 
- free use of auditoriums, learning aids in educational process; 
- to present their suggestions and critical comments to the educational institution, deanery and chair of the department according to the established procedure on the efficiency of educational process and the quality of education, and to demand their consideration; 
- Participation in the spiritual and educational and sporting events held at the university and the faculty; 
- active participation in scientific research and scientific conferences; 
- to become a member of law-abiding public associations in the higher education institution; 
- Participation in spiritual-enlightenment, repair, construction, gardening, agricultural and other public works, non-legislative activities at the time of study. 
The student has the right to receive high-quality and high-level education and to exercise other rights not contradicting the legislation necessary for his / her qualification as a highly qualified specialist. 
The student should not abuse his or her rights and use them for purposes contrary to the interests of others. 
3.3. Students studying in the form of division of state grants and payment-contractual training are provided with stipends and stipends stipulated by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 
According to the relevant normative-legal acts, the students appointed scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and state scholarships named after Beruniy, Navoi and Ulugbek, as well as a number of scholarships, named by RRAbdurasulov and TShSheringulov, legal entities and individuals scholarships. 
3.4. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, students enrolled in the day-to-day education are allowed to postpone the period of admission to military service at higher educational institutions. 
3.5. Students in need of a student residence of a higher education institution are provided with accommodation in accordance with the sanitary norms and rules of the university. The size of payment in student dwellings is determined by the higher education institution taking into account payment for utility services. If there are students in need of accommodation, the use of higher education facilities for other purposes outside the campus (lease or other arrangements) is not permitted. 
Students of the institute have the right to work in the established order in their free time from studying. 
3.6. Students dismissed from the institute can be re-admitted to re-read on the basis of the order and rules of moving, restoring and leaving the students' reading, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 
All those who were previously abducted by the administration at the higher education institution 
Students are recruited on a fee-paying contract basis. 
Students of the institute have the right to move their studies back to school according to established procedures and rules. 
Students from non-state non-state higher educational institutions and branches of higher educational institutions of other countries (centers, divisions, educational advisory centers, etc.), which do not have licenses for educational activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan It is forbidden to move the study to the institute. 
3.7. Students of the Institute must have the knowledge provided by the state standards, curricula and plans of higher education, to fulfill all the types of assignments within the set time, and comply with the Charter of the Institute, the Rules of Internal Regulations, Code of Ethics and Student Housing. 
In addition to the cases stipulated by the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is forbidden to involve students at work, not related to the learning process at the time of their education. 
3.8. In the event that this Charter violates the provisions of the Institution's Code of Ethics and Ethics, the following disciplinary sanctions shall be imposed on the student: dismissal from among students and students. 
  The student can be dismissed from the Institute if: 
a) at his own discretion; 
b) relocation to another educational institution; 
c) due to health reasons (based on medical certificate inquiry); 
d) for academic failure (debt); 
d) for violation of academic discipline and internal procedures of the higher education institution; 
e) for a period of more than 74 hours without valid reasons for classes during one semester; 
j) due to the failure to timely perform the payment for the training; 
h) due to imprisonment by the court; 
i) because of his death. 
Students may be granted academic leave on the basis of the procedures approved by the Ministry during military service, health care, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as on childcare leave. 
Discipline of students at the initiative of the administration of the Institute ("d", "ye", "j") is made by students taking into account the written consent of the trade union (for members of the trade union). The student may also agree with the Initiative of the Kamolot Youth Social Movement, with the exception of paragraph 3.8 of this Charter. 
A disciplinary offender may apply to the Rector of the Institute, the Ministry, or the court for the legality and fairness of the penalties imposed on him / her in the manner prescribed by law. 
When the student is dismissed from the Institution, he / she shall be issued a personal papers, academic record of the form and a copy of the papers shall be kept in the privacy collection. 
Disciplinary penalties shall be applied not later than six months after the expiry of a month and after the action has been committed, without taking into account students' time or illness. It is forbidden for students to discipline a disciplinary punishment during illness, on holidays, or during holidays with maternity leave. 
The student is informed by himself / herself of his / her illness directly by writing a written application to the dean, usually no later than a week.
b) Listeners: 
3.10. Listeners are those who are studying at the Center for retraining and advanced training of teachers at the Institute. 
The procedure for training and retraining of personnel, conditions and rights of the trainees are defined by the relevant legal acts in accordance with the legislation. 
c) Senior researchers and independent researchers: 
3.11. Senior researcher-researchers and independent researchers of the institute are engaged in scientific research in a certain direction and prepare a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science. 
Senior researcher-researchers of a higher education institution having a master's degree or master's degree of at least two years of pedagogical experience, who are currently studying at a higher education institution and who are doing scientific research to obtain a doctorate degree,senior researcher-researcher. 
Independent researcher is a person who prepares a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sciences attached to the higher educational institution (department) without leaving the main job. 
3.12. Persons who have a degree or a master's degree in the faculty of senior researchers who have demonstrated their ability to do scientific research are admitted for a three-year term. 
Studying at the Institute of Senior Researchers-Researchers is carried out separately from the production, but senior researchers can be engaged in pedagogical activity at the Institute. It should not exceed three years without being dismissed to study at the Institute of Senior Researchers. Entrance to the Institute of Senior Researchers must be accompanied by a Master's or Master's degree diploma with higher education, as well as a work record book. 
The institute has achieved significant scientific achievements which can serve as a basis for a doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Senior Researchers, capable of solving fundamental problems of a high level and solving the most important socio-economic problems, at least two years of pedagogical work with a master's degree or gifted scientific or scientifically-pedagogical staff with a degree in science. 
The term of study at the senior researcher-researchers institute is estimated from two to three years. 
Preparation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical cadres can be carried out independently from the Institute of Advanced Researchers and Researchers. 
In order to obtain a Doctorate degree from the Doctor of Science, a candidate who holds an independent degree of "bachelor" or "master" degree, with a degree of work experience of at least 5 years, capable of scientific research, (patents for invention, scientific articles, participation in scientific and technological developments, etc.), have been making independent research on his doctoral dissertation, has achieved remarkable results in scientific research on topical issues of science and technology and theoretical issues. those who have profound knowledge in science and technology can claim. 
Granting of privileges, acceptance of rights and obligations for admission, dismissal and dissertation work at the Institute of Senior Research Fellow-Students and Independent Researchers is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 24, 2012 "On the preparation of highly qualified scientific and scientific- the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 28, 2012 of No. UP-4456 "About further perfection of the system of certification" and "About postgraduate education and highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" On Measures to Improve the System of Attestation ". 
3.13. There are professors, teachers, engineer-technical, administrative-economic, production, educational-assistant and other employees of the institute. 
3.14. The employment of professors and teachers is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the Provision "On the order of recruitment of teachers to higher educational institutions" approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 16, 2006 № 20 .
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 9, 1992, F-137, the vice-rectors of the higher educational institution have been approved by the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in consultation with the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan case. Dean of the faculty is appointed by the order of the rector of the educational institution in consultation with the Ministry. 
3.15. Professors and teachers of the Institute have the following rights: 
- to be elected and selected in accordance with the established procedure at higher education institutions and faculties of the faculty; 
- to participate in the discussion of matters relating to the activities of higher education institutions; 
- information and resource center of the higher educational institution, educational and scientific units, as well as services of social, household, medical and other departments according to the collective agreement use; 
- Selection of methods and means of teaching, carrying out of research works, providing high quality of educational and scientific process; 
- to apply in the order established by the legislation on orders and instructions of the administration of higher education institution; 
- to take part in contests announced vacant professor-teacher positions according to the legislation; 
- working in the department, except for faculties, other faculties, departments, organizations (with coordination with the main work place); 
- Acquaintance and exchange with scientific and educational-methodological literature on foreign colleagues; 
- preparation of quality textbooks and manuals on the subject; 
- Improving the practical experience of theoretical knowledge, methods of scientific research, pedagogical skills; 
- Leading research work of students; 
- Participation in grants, scientific projects, economic contracts; 
- Use of other rights stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education. 
3.16. The responsibilities of the professors and teachers of the Institute include: 
- strict adherence to the law on education, labor and technology discipline, the Charter of the institution, the rules of internal labor and ethics; conscientious performance of their duties and not reducing their teaching; 
- To have a good relationship with the staff, students and others who communicate in the workplace; 
- fulfillment of legal instructions of the employer, timely and qualitative performance of educational-methodical, scientific and spiritual-enlightenment work on the basis of individual work plan approved by the employer, in particular: 
a) the volume of educational materials, educational-methodical, scientific, educational and organizational work on the basis of individual work plan and participation in spiritual and educational work; 
b) writing textbooks, manuals and other educational abbreviations, scientific articles, monographs; 
c) direct participation in educational work, spiritual and enlightenment work with students, including out-of-school activities; 
d) Participation in the scientific topics of the department approved by the Council; 
e) regular improvement of own qualifications; 
- Participation in creation of new generation educational literature, educational-methodical complexes for academic lyceums and professional colleges; 
- holding open and problematic classes and master classes at academic lyceums and professional colleges; 
- Participation in spiritual and educational events held at institutions of secondary special and vocational education; 
- assistance in improving the quality of education on the basis of modern information-communication and pedagogical technologies at institutions of secondary special and vocational education; 
- Compliance with labor protection and industrial safety regulations; 
- conservation and rational use of the property of the enterprise; 
- indemnification of actual material damage to the employer; 
- participation in public affairs; 
- Ensuring effectiveness of pedagogical and scientific process; 
- Formation of high professional training, ability to work in the chosen direction (specialty) of the students in conditions of modern civilization and democracy; 
- improving literacy of foreign languages ​​and information technologies; 
- formation of independent thinking, initiative, creative abilities of trainees; 
- Participating in "Teacher-apprenticeship" system and having scientifically, spiritually-educational,educational work; 
- to be an example of his moral, cultural, spiritual level; 
- comply with the culture of hardship; 
- To be aware of the ongoing reforms and innovations in the country; 
- active participation in the cultural, spiritual and educational activities organized by the department, the faculty, the chair; 
- Enrichment of a science curriculum on the basis of regular science and technology achievements; 
- passage of lessons at a high level; 
- Find new sources of science and introduce them to students; 
- before the start of each school year 
Development of the working curriculum, calendar plan and rating curriculum of the scien (s), and approval at the department session; 
- timely conducting of rating events; 
- impartial assessment of students' knowledge; 
- application of new pedagogical technologies in the course; 
- To increase scientific potential and pedagogical skills; 
- Leading research students; 
- Conducting scientific research on the basis of business contracts and providing paid educational and service services; 
- active participation in the reforms being implemented in the higher education system; 
3.17. Foreign trips of the staff of the Institute are carried out in accordance with the Temporary Regulations "On the Procedure for Traveling from the Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan" approved by the Ministry. 
3.18. At least once a year, the faculty of the institute will have the qualification upgrading. 
3.19. The rights and responsibilities of employees of the Institute are determined by the Charter of the Institute, the Internal Regulations and the Code of Ethics and job descriptions.