On March 4-5, 2019 Samarkand state architecture and civil engineering institute held the competition among teachers and students devoted to 8th of march - "Women’s Day", which was held on the basis of the department of professional education and training of employees at the Department of "Professional Education and Career".
The result of the competition was as follows:
I place - T.Juraeva, architectural department;
II place - L.Tashnazarova, executive secretary;
III place - F.Akhmedova, MKB faculty.
In the table-tennis showed following results:
I place - M.Nasimova, executive secretary of the Public Health Service;
II place - K.Pullatova, constructional office;
III place - M.Norqulova, student of educational establishment;
IV place - F.Mamariyazova, student of the department.
On March 6, winners were awarded with the title "Where is woman, there is world’s happiness", which was created by the staff of the institute for preschool education and healthcare.