On April 17-18, 2019 a republican scientific-practical conference “MODERNIZATION, INNOVATIVE PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHITECTURE, URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN” was held at the Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, on the basis of Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 133-F dated February 25, 2019 and the order of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 4, 2019.

Today, our republic is on a journey of innovative transition to modernization and development of the national economy. One of the most important sectors of economy is the town-planning and architectural-building complexes.

During the scientific-practical conference the participants in their reports identified the shortcomings and flaws which occur at the design stage, including choosing of construction sites, not observing the red line, not providing parking lots and children's playgrounds near the high-rise buildings, breaking the protection zones of architectural monuments by illicit construction of buildings and structures, problems with the city sewerage system, which leads to floods during heavy rains.
As a result, these factors lead to the destruction of residential buildings. At the presentation of participants the conclusions were made that the state authorities responsible for issuing land for construction, as well as architects and employees of design institutes and workshops, who developed the projects which do not comply with building regulations and rules - are fully responsible for the shortcomings occurred during the design stage.

At the conference, a number of proposals were suggested, such as strict adherence to urban planning standards, the creation of zones for low-water green shrubs and trees that meet local conditions, the prevention of rain and snow accumulation, energy-efficient construction and induction, and usage of quality building materials.

In addition, the analysis of usage of landscape art, hanging gardens, history of architecture, mosques and madrasas, complexes for future projects, building structures relevant to our region and climate, urban planning and design solutions created by our ancestors, was made.

The creation and introduction of innovative technologies into the building systems and modernization of the building complexes, in its turn, will stimulate the economic growth of our country. Conference participants expressed their confidence that an Internet platform will be created and the problems of urban planning, architecture, landscape and design would be solved.
The suggestions and comments on architecture, urban planning and innovative development will be submitted to the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the form of resolutions that will help eliminating errors and omissions in the field of urban planning, architecture and design.