Head of Department: Dr. of Sc. prof. Boboev Sobirjon Muradullaevich
Reception days: Everyday from 14-00 till 16-00 (except Mondays and Saturdays)
Telephone: +998902240575
E-mail : sm-boboyev@mail.ru
Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Department of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Economics, was founded in 1967. In December 1972, the department was renamed "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation". The first head of the department was Ph.D., associate professor Burliyev Koshmon Umarovich, who worked as the head of the department from August 1973 to 1980.
In the first years of the department there were senior teachers: RK Tojiev, HP Kurbanova, JF Gasanenko, assistants: IS Arzumanov, VG Ayriyants, SA Sadullayev, Sh. Abdurahmanov.
In 1976, for the first time in SamDAQI, 18 graduates were trained in "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation".
Young specialists who graduated in these years RMMakhmudov., ZIKholmuradova., A.Usmonkulov., SMBoboyev., B.Yusupov., NKJomonkulov., HGHusanov., RAAymatov., ATAlmamedova., SSKhamidov., J.O. Glonov., VSGaniyev., FXMurodovs as talented students Young specialists who graduated from the Kiev Institute of Civil Engineering in 1976-1982 began to work as assistants at the department under the direction of the Ministry of Higher Education.
Later, in order to train highly qualified personnel in the specialty "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation" from industrial and other higher education institutions: GGGrinenko., MMEshmatov., JJMamatkulov., VNBarov., LSDenisyuk., Ye.D.Drujkina., Q.Yu.Abdullayev., G.Bebutov., K.Usmonov., L.Veysberg., A. Abdusaidov., SAAmirov., N.Mirzayev., VNIsayevs became professors of the department. were accepted as herdsmen.
The following professors and teachers worked at the head of the department for different years: KUBurliyev (1973-1980), JJMamatkulov (1980-1982), GGGrinenko (1982-1988), AUUsmonkulov (1988 - 1988). 1992), SMBoboyev (1992-1997), JJMamatkulov (1998-2000), RAAymatov (2000-2006), SMBoboyev (2006-2007), K.Yu.Abdullayev (2007-2009) ), RMMakhmudov (2009-2014), Sh.A.Usmanov (2014-1018) and now the head of the department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Boboyev Sobirjon Muradullayevich.
The name of the department depends on the areas of training at the institute and the merger of the department: "Construction of engineering communications and ecology" (1996-2000), "Heat and gas supply, ventilation and environmental protection" (2001-2005), " Heating, gas supply and safety of life activities ”(2012-2015), since April 2015 it has been operating under the name“ Heat and gas supply, ventilation and service ”.
Currently, the department has a Ph.D. professor S.M.Boboyev, f.m.f.d.dosent A.T.Xolmanov, t.f.n. professor Yu.K.Rashidov and t.f.n. associate professors RMMakhmudov., K.Yu.Abdullayev., MMEshmatov, U.Kholboyev, G.Sh.Shukurovlar, O.Addullayevl, senior teachers ZIXolmurodova., Sh.A.Usmonov., RRAymatov., O '.Khudaykulov, M.Akhmedova, XRBurkhonov, teachers SO Qushoqov., S.Sh. Babanazarov., Sh.X. Taniberdiyev., O.X. Omonkulov., M.E. Toshtemirov, M.D.Uzboyev, A.I. Ismoilov, Y.Z.Yuzbaeva, UK.Yakubov, interns, H.Nosirov.
The majority of the teaching staff are highly qualified in their field, with sufficient professional qualifications and pedagogical skills. The potential of academic professors is 38%.
Areas of study at the department:
- 5340400-Construction and installation of engineering communications (Heat and gas supply)
- 5111000-Vocational education (Construction and installation of engineering communications)
- 5610100-Bachelor's degree in Education (Housing and Communal Services) is being prepared.
Master's degree prepared at the department:
- Masters in 5A340403 - "Heat and gas supply, ventilation, air conditioning and air protection" are being prepared.
Senior researcher of the department:
- 05.09.03 - "Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting"
- 05.05.06 - Three senior researchers are working in the field of "Renewable energy-based energy devices."
The results of their scientific work are applied in various fields of production and used to solve practical problems.
Disciplines taught at the department in the bachelor's degree:
- Use of non-conventional energy sources
- Thermodynamics
- Heat engineering
- Engineering equipment for buildings and structures
- Gas supply systems
- Heat supply systems
- Ventilation and air condensation
- Gas and oil pipelines Gas and oil storage
- Ventilation of industrial buildings
- Engineering networks and equipment
- Heat generation equipment
- Housing and communal services
Disciplines taught in the master's specialty:
- Ventilation
- Gas supply
- Heating
- Heat and gas supply
- Air conditioning
Educational and methodical work carried out at the department:
Today, the department has the necessary material, technical and teaching base to teach the above subjects. The department has 2 main auditoriums, 2 laboratories, computerized rooms, equipped with new textbooks, QMQ, normative documents and others. The methodology room is equipped with drawing boards for the completion of graduate and stage projects. This room contains examples of stage design work.
At present, the department on a contract basis Samarkand State Unitary Enterprise "Heat Source", LLC "Architecture Project", JSC "Nafis", the regional branch of gas supply in Samarkand region, teachers and students of the department "Samarkand main pipelines" Work is underway to apply the results of their work in the production process.
In order to increase the practical knowledge of students studying at the department, branches of the department were established at the Samarkand regional SUE "Heat Source", Samarkand regional branch of gas supply "Samarkandshahargaz". being carried out.
Professors and teachers of the department with the participation of talented students and masters concluded agreements on cooperation between science and industry of Samarkand region SUE "Heat Source" and the enterprise "Samarkandshahargaz" to solve existing problems of enterprises. based work is underway.
Type of job, title or subject
The use of solar energy for the preparation of hot water and the role of heat accumulators in this area.
R.M.Makhmudov, H.G.Husanov., S.A.Amirov., Sh.Z.Yuzboeva., S.Sh.Babanazarov., Sh.H. Taniberdiev., Sh.Kh. Taniberdiev., Z. Fayziev
use fuel gas fossil fuels in industrial building industry
S.M. Boboev., F.Yu.Abdullaev, M.M. Eshmatov., Sh.A. Usmanov, R.R. Uzboev., O.Kh. Omonkulov
Professors and teachers of the department conduct research on two topics approved by the Academic Council of the Institute.
Currently, 4 scientific ideas and projects are being developed and involved in the IX Republican Interregional Innovation Fair with the involvement of masters studying at the department for the implementation of this scientific work.
Since the establishment of the department, professors and teachers of the department have published more than 200 teaching aids and guidelines. During the last 3 years, professors and teachers of the department have published 30 teaching materials. These manuals are designed for stage projects, graduate work, internships, and internships.
In addition, the teaching staff of the department has created "Educational-methodical complexes" in all disciplines, and now the work on the transfer of subjects to the electronic "moodel" system is nearing completion.
The number of graduates studying at the department in the 2018-2019 academic year is 95 people, including:
- 5340400-Construction and installation of engineering communications (heat and gas supply) - 55 people
- 5111000-Vocational education (Construction and installation of engineering communications) - 10 people
- 5610100-Services (Housing and communal services) - 30 people
Department address: D-unit, room 207-227.Tel:(93) 993-73-73