Geodesy and cartography

Head of the department: Suyunov Abdusali Samatovich
Reception days: Everyday from 14-00 till 16-00 (except Mondays and Saturdays)
Phone: (97) 910-33-03
History of the department.
The department was separated from the Department of General Engineering in 1967 and was called the "Engineering Geodesy". There were the late T.Khuzibayev, Q.Bo’riyev and O. Trofimova. Later UzGIPROZEM, and later N.Nishonbaev (1968) from the F.Narzullaev (1968) from SamDU from the staff of the department. The number of professors and lecturers of the department has grown day by day. Sh.Abraev (1970), B.Omonov (1991),TASHPI from N.Murodullaev (1972), S.Toshpo'latov (1973), deprived O.Haydarov (1973), T.U.Safarov (1975) Sh. Davlatov (1971), D.O Jurakulov (1981), H.Alimova (1979) from the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (1981), Sh.K.Avchiev (1984) ), SamDAQI from, S.Jalilov (1980), E.X.Isakov (1987), M.S Burkhonov (2004), A.A.Salakhiddinov (1999), G’.A.Artikov TASI from Sh. Sh Tuxtamishov (2004), Sh.A Suyunov (2009), S.S Djavadov and I.H.Omonov (2008) became the professors-teachers of the department.
The department was renamed as Geodesy and Land Cadastre Department in November 1996. Among the members of the department were Sh.Davlatov (1978), N.Murodullaev (1979), S.Tashpulatov (1980), O.Haydarov (1984), N.Nishonbayev (1985), A.Suyunov (1988), D.Jurakulov (1990), Sh.Avchiev (1990), B.Omonov (1991), S.Jalilov (1992), E.X. Isakov (1993), A.S Suyunov (1995), Ph.D. thesis. Sh.A Suyunov (2018) defended his PhD dissertation. A.Suyunov's patented invention, B. Omonov's copyright certificates.
Nowadays, new professors - teachers are working at the department. G.Artikov joined the chair. The department was renamed the Department of Geodesy in 2000. The members of the department were M.Surkhonov (2004), A.A.Salaxiddinov (2004), post-graduate student T.M.Abdullaev (2005), and in 2018, and his teacher Sh.A. Suyunov has a doctorate (PhD) degree. Nowadays, the department has the following professors: teachers O.A O’raqov (2012), M.I Husanova (2013), S.B.Manayev, M.H.Bobokalonov (2014) Senior lecturers A.A Mirzaev, M.E.Isroilov, and, S.S Hamzayev (2015), A.H.Nishanov (2016), Samarkand aerogeodeziya enterprise. S. Khamdamov and G. Mullajanova Sh.R.Samankulov, U.A.Berdiqulov (2017), Sh.Sh.Hudaykulov, K.Rahmatullaeva (2018) entered the department of professors and teachers.
Professors and teachers of the department are currently working at the department. Director of the Samarkand aerogeodeziya enterprise, senior teacher I.M.Pirnazarov (2000) and senior teacher of department at this enterprise M.B Aminjanova (2006), senior teacher of Samarkand center of gas supply Sh.A Suyunov (2009), Samarkand branch of UzGAShLITI Head of the topography department, senior teacher H.Sh.Hudoyberdiev (2015), entered the department of professors and teachers.
During the past period he was the head of the department:
T.Q Qo’ziboyev (1967-69);
Q.Boriyev, N.Nishonboyev (1969-75);
M.Qo’ziboyev (1975-79);
Sh.Davlatov (1979-85);
S.Toshpo'latov (1985-88);
N. Murodullaev (1988-92);
Sh.Davlatov (1992-95);
A.S Suyunov (1996-2002);
E.X. Isakov (2002-2008);
G’.A Artikov (2008-2010);
D.O Jo’rajakulov (2010-2018);
From 2018, the Doctor of Economics, prof. A.S Suyunov is doing it.
There are 21 professor-teachers and 5 assistant workers in the department, 4 of them are manufacturing enterprises; performance is continuing. 1 doctor of science, professor; 2 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 PhD doctor, 7 senior teachers, 3 of them teachers and 8 trainee-teachers
There are 2 textbooks, more than 10 textbooks, more than 500 scientific articles and theses, more than 100 methodical manuals. t.f.d. Professor A.S Suyunov (1995-97) has published monographs on "Refractory accounting in the conditions of Central Asia" and "Geodetic works in the conditions of Central Asia". In 2018, A.S Suyunov and Sh. A Suyunov published the monograph "The accuracy of geodynamic measurement results in the conditions of Uzbekistan".
Nowadays the members of the chair are working on two innovative themes: - Improvement of geodetic, cartographic, topographic and instrumental works; - geodetic methods of geometric surveys of architectural monuments and real estate and cadastral plans.
Nowadays there is a magistracy on the specialty of Applied Geodesy (AG) at the department, as well as base doctorate on specialty 11.00.06 GK.
Head of the Department A.S Suyunov is a member of the Tashkent State Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, a member of the scientific degree of Doctor of Science. Including Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Ministry of Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.