Head of Department:Ph.D., associate professor Makhmudov Mirzadjon Makhmudovich
Reception days: Daily from 1300 to 1500 but wednesday and saturday
Phone: (93) 7270727
History of the department
The history of the department "Buildings and constructions" is inextricably linked with the history of the institute. The department with the name “Architecture of civil and industrial buildings” was established in September 1969 at the Faculty of “Industrial and Civil Construction” under the leadership of Honored Builder of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hudayqulov Inatulla Izzatullaevich.Over the years, the department was headed by assistant professors Yu.S. Gapeev, V.G. Sotskov, V.A. Mezherovsky, G.N. Lang and graduates of the institute, associate professors P.A. Azizov, M.M. Makhmudov, G.Sh. Shukurov, doctor of technical sciences, associate professors U.F. Fakhriddinov, E.S. Tulakov. In 2014-2016, the department was headed by a graduate of the Tashkent Polytechnical Institute, the current dean of the building department of the institute, Ph.D., associate professor A.A. Baizakov. Since early January 2017, the department is headed by Ph.D., associate professor MM. Makhmudov.It will be appropriate to recall teachers such as Prof. E.A. Soldatov, A.F. Saidzhanov, associate professors A.A. Abdullaev, A.Kh. Samandarov, N.R. Ruziev, K.I. Ismailov, senior teachers R.R. Eshankulov, T.N. Kim, N.M. Akchurina, O.N. Krasnoyartseva, N.A. Ponomareva, F.K. Asatullaev, U.M. Mardanov, who in different years worked at the department and made a huge contribution to the training of personnel for the construction industry.Since 2011, the department prepares masters in the specialty 5A340201- "Construction of buildings and structures (energy efficient buildings)". In addition, the department operates a doctoral program (PhD) in the specialty 05.09.01- “Building structures, buildings and constructions”.Currently, 50-60 graduates of the Faculty of Civil Engineering 5340200- “Construction of buildings and structures” and at least 15 graduates of the educational direction 5610100- “Services sector (housing, public and domestic service)” annually at the Department “Buildings and constructions” projects. Teaching staff of the department is constantly working to improve the quality of personnel training for the construction industry by developing new textbooks, textbooks, lecture notes, teaching aids on practical and laboratory classes in accordance with modern requirements and global construction and design practice.The department constantly maintains contact with construction and design organizations, related universities, attracting experienced specialists to the management of graduation projects. The Commonwealth Treaty has been concluded with many construction and design organizations to conduct students' training and undergraduate practice. The department has created 2 specialized classes, equipped with modern PCs for laboratory classes in computer-aided design of buildings and constructions. Teachers of the department conduct classes in almost all faculties of the institute, advise term papers and projects, diploma projects. For 48 years, the teachers of the department prepared over 2,5 thousand civil engineers for the architectural and construction industry. Many of them work both in near and far foreign countries.
The faculty of the department in the areas of undergraduate education lead classes in the following disciplines:
Architecture of civil and industrial buildings
Architecture of buildings and structures
Industrial buildings
Architecture of road structures
Architecture and fundamentals of town planning
Diagnostics and examination of buildings
Architectural physics
Building physics
Building physics and energy efficient buildings engineering
Constructions of energy efficient buildings
Technical exploitation of buildings and structures
Reconstruction of buildings and structures
Computer design of buildings and structures.
The teachers of the department in the magistracy lead classes in the following disciplines:
Repair and restoration of buildings
Urban development in a dry hot climate
Improving energy efficiency of buildings
Theoretical and practical issues of building design
Building Design based on computer programs (BIM technology)
Methods scientific research
Experiment Planning and Results Processing
The staff of the department is 20.25 units. 19 people working full time, 3 people work inside part-time job and 1 person external part-time job. Of the teachers, there is 1 doctor of technical sciences, 5 candidates of technical sciences, associate professors, 5 senior teachers, 8 non-degree assistants and 1 trainee teacher. At the department the level of degree is 29.6%.
Research work of the department:
The faculty of the department is working on a common problem "Improving the energy efficiency of buildings and their enclosing structures".
Teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates of the department in order to obtain energy-efficient solutions are engaged in the study of the heat-shielding qualities of external enclosing structures erected with insulating layers of various effective materials, including those derived from various production wastes.
Educational and methodical work of the department:
The department developed educational and methodical complexes for all the above disciplines. The department has 4 classrooms, 2 classes with 16 modern computers, an educational and methodical study staffed with educational and normative literature necessary for students to complete course and diploma projects. In the teaching and methodical office all the conditions are created for the students to complete term papers and projects, and for organizing consultations with the teachers.The teachers of the department prepared and published textbooks and teaching aids with the stamp of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, these include 4 textbooks prepared by Associate Professor P.A. Azizov, 3 textbooks and 4 textbooks, prepared by Associate Professor G.Sh. Shukurov, besides that, in Uzbek, 7 language textbooks have been prepared and published by associate professor M.M. Makhmudov, 3 textbooks assistant professor - S.M. Matyazov, 2 textbooks professors V.A. Mezherovsky and 1 textbook A.F. Saidzhanov in Russian, a textbook in the Uzbek language for students of vocational colleges prepared by a team of authors headed by D.Sc. W.F. Fahriddinov, associate professors A.A. Bayzakov, G.Sh. Shukurov together with teachers of professional colleges of Samarkand.In 2018, a textbook on the discipline “Qurilish fizikasi (Construction Physics)” was published in Uzbek with a stamp of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, prepared by Associate Professor G.Sh. Shukurov. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor E.S. Tulakov in many disciplines prepared videos and introduced in “ZiyoNET”.The professors and teaching staff of the department prepared presentations for conducting classes in almost all disciplines. The department has 7 video projectors for conducting classes using video projectors.
The address of the department: Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Ingineering Institute, 2-building, 4-floor, the audience 240-244.Mobile phone (93) 727-07-27.